1) Type up any feedback or comments from your paper in full (you do not need to write mark/grade if you do not wish to).
-Link to family?
-Lacks question focus
-Not middle class at all
-Very little link to family
-Not enough here: timing!
-Intro too long, just mention films then add detail later
-Need key words in topic sentence: shape, values, attitudes
-Make the platforms more explicit
-Link back to question
-Be wary of repetition
-Need to write of opinions of society
-A good essay but revise to cut out the basic errors
-Make the 3 platforms more explicit
-You need to cover the other films: Belle would be perfect for this question !
2) Did you succeed in meeting or exceeding your target grade in AS Media? If not, how many additional marks do you need across Section A and Section B to achieve your target grade?
-My target grade was an A and I did not achieve that grade in the exam. I would ove needed an additional 19 marks to achieve my wanted grade.
3) Read through the mark scheme. Pay particular attention to pages 6-9 that have anticipated content for each of the questions in Section A. How many of these potential points did you make? Did you successfully answer the questions? The original question paper is here if that is useful.
- Media representation, I gained low marks as I didn't link back to the question about family which obviously lowered my marks. I stated points about family and how they are all a community which goes with the genre of soaps. I think I failed in linking it back to the question and reinforcing my points.
- Media audiences as I didn't have enough time I was only able to gain 2 marks of my small paragraph. If I was able to write more I should have write about the genders being portrayed, about how the catchy music goes well with the speech almost like a song and also how they are recognisable characters which the audience can identify with.
4) Which was your strongest question in Section A? Why did you do better in that particular question?
-For media institutions, I made points about the regional identity i.e accents, their traits of toughness. Also gaining points on representing working class culture and community but also how it entertains through media and appeals to the audiences.
5) Which was your weakest question in Section A? Again, try and identify why this happened. Did you misinterpret the question? Did you run out of time?
My weakest question would have to be Q.4 as I didn't write enough because of timing and so only gained 2 marks. I was able to state about the informality of the clip and using slang terms will help audiences identify with them.
6) Rewrite your answer for your weakest question in Section A. This should now be a detailed, three-paragraph, level-4 response.
7) Now look at the mark scheme for Section B. Did you cover all three media platforms? Did you write about three different films in your essay? (If you missed out your independent case study this is clearly an area to revise for the real thing).
- In my section B I looked at only two different case studies as I had yet not looked in depth into my independent case study and so wasn't able to make my platforms more explicit. I repeated a lot of my points and but was able to reinforce most of them.
9) Choose one paragraph from your Section B essay and re-write it to improve question focus, examples and written English if applicable. Make sure it is answering the question!
The sequence for the video is very informal and used colloquial slang terms which a large British audience would identify with greatly jhbkjgv graphsize 500,500
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if int (n/10)=5 then dy=0
if int (n/10)=6 then dy=1
10) Read the Examiner's Report in full. For each question in Section A, look at whether you included the things the Chief Examiner refers to in the stronger responses. Did any of the problems identified with some answers apply to you? Be specific.
-Media representations there was no great detail as I didn't link back to question topic which was about family or going into the obvious point of talking about gender representation in my paragraph.
-Media Forms I specified specific parts of the clip which helped me gain marks such as quoting the people and stating which type of music was used to effect how audiences see the clip.
-Media Institutions I should have done three different paragraphs for the relevant remit points which would have given my answer more structure and thus more marks.
-Media Audiences I should of applied media thories, appeal and add specific points which focused on the question.
11) Now look at the Examiner's Report for your chosen question in Section B. Did your response fit the stronger or weaker examples highlighted by the Chief Examiner? What could you have done differently to improve your mark for Section B?
- Time management, making sure i only spend 15 minutes per question in section A and have 45 minutes for Section B.
-Making sure I have time for exam prep. by doing a paper that isnt in time conditions and then another which is to try and gain full marks in the prep work.
12) Finally, identify three things you will do differently in the real exam in two weeks. These can refer to preparation, notetaking, Section A or Section B - it is up to you.
-I think timing my questions well as I kept going over a few minutes with each of my questions and so i wasnt able to finish one of the questions
-Revising more about Institutions to be able to apply it into my exam
-I think be able to time myself to write about my three films as I wasn't able to do so in the mock
- Include theories, where is relevant, at least in 2/3 paragraphs in section A.
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