2) How many 'likes' has the Ill Manors film page had?
29,684 liked the Ill Manors page on Facebook.
2) What is the top of the page promoting?
The Facebook page is promoting the Ill manors film released onto DVD at the top of its page on the cover photo and there is a photo of the DVD release date poster.
3) Choose five of the posts on the page's wall, screengrab them and explain how they appeal to the Ill Manor's target audience.

This would appeal to the Ill Manors audience since it targets their ideologies by using a theological question about their anthem song. They are more likely to be opened-minded, young-middle aged and middle-working class since they would share the ideologies shown in this. Especially to young people and the working class, since they may experience discrimination from people and be ostracised by society and targeted by the media.

This screenshot shows Plan B's NME magazine interview. As a result of this i think it would appeal to a younger target audience in the regions of 18-25 as they may be more willing to read a magazine than younger teenagers.

This screenshot shows a prize draw about how to win a limited edition DVD cover of Ill Manors. I think the target audience for this post would have to be a die hard fan of Plan B, probably a teenager aged between 13 and 18 who would be interested in collecting memorabilia of the Ill Manors brand.

This specifically targets the interests of Plan B's fans since it discusses personal ideologies behind the music video, which the audience will share with him. However, therefore, this may appeal to not only fans but people who believe in change, and the kind of people that attended his TEDx lecture who were middle-class people and so they will share the same ideologies.
4) Find three examples of synergy with other platforms (links to broadcast clips or newspaper/magazine articles). Explain how each one promotes the film.
An example of synergy would be between the DVD and Blu-Ray copies of the film. Using the Facebook page helps promote the film and encourages fans to watch the film through buying the DVD. Another example would be Plan B himself, as an artist he can use his social media in order to promote his album and the film. Through the Facebook page there is a link to the soundtrack through an iTunes link. This gives the audience an opportunity and an easy way to listen and essentially buy the soundtrack without being forced into buying anything. The fact that a user can easily download the soundtrack makes it efficient and creates synergy as these two platforms are connected. The most prominent use of synergy is through YouTube as the film trailer is linked and also all of Plan B's music videos. The use of this mainstream site would help the audience to quickly identify the link and find security within clicking on the link to watch further videos and suggestions.
An example of synergy would be between the DVD and Blu-Ray copies of the film. Using the Facebook page helps promote the film and encourages fans to watch the film through buying the DVD. Another example would be Plan B himself, as an artist he can use his social media in order to promote his album and the film. Through the Facebook page there is a link to the soundtrack through an iTunes link. This gives the audience an opportunity and an easy way to listen and essentially buy the soundtrack without being forced into buying anything. The fact that a user can easily download the soundtrack makes it efficient and creates synergy as these two platforms are connected. The most prominent use of synergy is through YouTube as the film trailer is linked and also all of Plan B's music videos. The use of this mainstream site would help the audience to quickly identify the link and find security within clicking on the link to watch further videos and suggestions.
Ill Manors Twitter feed

The twitter page shows the film and the soundtrack and promotes them both on the Twitter page, it keeps everyone up to date and gives the audience a chance to interact with the other members of the audience. The use of the iconography of the gun would again help the audience identify the brand of the film and the genre as being urban. Through the profile, we can see that there are links to buying the DVD and other merchandise, which helps to promote the brand. There are also a numerous number of tweets all relating to the brand and helping promote either; the release of the film early on when the twitter feed emerged; or promoting the selling of the film as a DVD or blu-ray copy.
Ed Sheeran tweeted about how good the film was and how he recommends everyone to see it. Ed Sheeran who also has the same background of Plan B in the aspect of both coming from the bottom with a similar upbringing and so the audience demographic may understand what him and his opinion.
Twitter uses links and pictures to promote the film, there are images of the actors of the film so they are recognisable to the audience, there are links which allow the audience to go onto YouTube so that they can watch the trailer of the film but also so that they can listen to the soundtrack of the film. To add, images that appear in the feed are generally of behind-the-scene shots of filming, photos of award shows, events and the personal accounts of Plan B and Lee Allen. Putting behind-the-scene photos is significant because it allows the audience to get a sneak peak at the film at work.
YouTube - planbuk channel

On Plan B's YouTube channel, he would promote the film by having a separate folder in the 'playlists' section with the name Ill Manors. The use of music videos helps to promote the soundtrack of Ill Manors as well as the music video itself, which would directly promote the film through the use of characters in the music video. This would, therefore, widen the audience and fans base.The different songs on the Ill Manors playlist have been used in the actual movie. Some of the songs, e.g, Playing With Fire, has another famous artist by the name of 'Labrinth'. Labrinth has an extremely large target audience and this will make more people aware because he may have uploaded this song onto his YouTube channel and then could've given hints to how this song will in the movie 'Ill Manors'.
The iLL Manors trailer and the music video suggest synergy with the DVD Extras that were included on the broadcast platform. They both follow a similar tone and feel and similar editing style. This helps audiences stay familiar with the content released under the same movie title and would show consistency. Also, There is cross promotion between the soundtrack and the links to the trailer for Ill Manors, creating synergy because the music fan base would be exposed to the ill Manors film and want to watch the film because of the soundtrack.
The iLL Manors trailer and the music video suggest synergy with the DVD Extras that were included on the broadcast platform. They both follow a similar tone and feel and similar editing style. This helps audiences stay familiar with the content released under the same movie title and would show consistency. Also, There is cross promotion between the soundtrack and the links to the trailer for Ill Manors, creating synergy because the music fan base would be exposed to the ill Manors film and want to watch the film because of the soundtrack.
There are links to twitter, Soundcloud, facebook and iTunes. These links are to their social media, which are all different social media sites that are showing who the actual presenter is and what he does and what he may be currently doing at the moment. Therefore, help promote the film through Ben Drew, who is the director of the film, as a brand himself. However, the links to Soundcloud and iTunes specifically help promote the soundtrack as well. The social networking platforms create synergy with the Youtube channel as there is cross-promotion between all the sites, and therefore promotes the film on a greater scale.
There are links to twitter, Soundcloud, facebook and iTunes. These links are to their social media, which are all different social media sites that are showing who the actual presenter is and what he does and what he may be currently doing at the moment. Therefore, help promote the film through Ben Drew, who is the director of the film, as a brand himself. However, the links to Soundcloud and iTunes specifically help promote the soundtrack as well. The social networking platforms create synergy with the Youtube channel as there is cross-promotion between all the sites, and therefore promotes the film on a greater scale.
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