Sunday, 5 February 2017

iLL Manors: TEDx

1- Notes: 
  • He didn't have respect for the authority in the past.
  • His view was that the youths that came from dysfunctional families didn't think that they belonged in society 
  • The youths believed rap music guided them
  • Plan B, was influenced by meaningful rap, which was like poetry
  • Dominant Ideology is that the majority of youths believe they are being ignored
  • Dominant Ideology is that teenagers are all bad, but nobody is looking at the bigger picture
  • Moral Panic is that youngsters are not being heard so they riot and rebel
  • He didn't want to glamorise gang culture, but instead, portray the harsh reality of it.
  • To Plan B, Chav used to mean child, and he liked being called this by his father. 
  • However, Chav now stands for 'Council Housed and Violent' according to him and is used to label and ridicule the underclass, which is why he no longer likes the word
  • He thinks calling someone a chav is no different than being sexist or racist
2- The beliefs views which plan B has are connected with the young youths and how plan B had grown up in council estates. This also includes this political view. 
Plan B is being the alternative ideology he is trying to direct out a message about how young youth are being demonised by people calling council estate kids a ‘Chav’ a negative label to represent kid, these kids are being the dominant ideologies as the audience see them as negative people in society. To him, this word is a derogatory term used by people who do not understand what it is like for underclass/working-class youths and to him using the word just as bad as being sexist or racist. In his opinion, this is extremely wrong for those who are better off and more fortunate than those in the underclass to degrade them by using such terms. 
Plan B wants people to help youths who are in trouble and less fortune, by talking to them showing they love and cares, making them feel family and equal to others. Plan B mentions Goldie who made a speech last year at TEDx lecture he mentioned Goldie’s words ‘There's one person out there, everyone in this room knows one person out there that they can help that is less fortunate than them, not financially with knowledge, plant that seed, find out what these kids are good at... so it changes their life, just how it changed my life’. Plan B mentioned this quote to inform the audience that young youths need help and that they are less fortunate than others beneficially. 

 Plan B felt that society disregarded young youths and made it clear young children from lower-class homes didn't belong to it as they would not hear us out; he believes that we should not listen to everybody but our favourite rappers which young youths are most aware off grime, rap genre musicYouths most relate to music if they are under stress or seek for escape they turn to music which they seem to find freedom to, there are many rappers who inspire lots of people as they as artists who guide us from there influential lyrics; which can change pupil’s lives by listening to the lyrics and becoming successful instead of ruining lives. However on the other hand grime/ rap music can show a negative image of some of the words rappers use which influences young youths to do which give other audiences a negative uneven discrimination about youths, such as being a gangster, murder, selling drugs and etc. Plan B saw this as an benefit so he created successful music which has influential words, even though the music had negative words which is unfitting, Plan B says that’s the only way to attract the young youth’s audience to engage them into the music or else they would not be interested. Plan B comprehends children who behave negatively such as knife crime, robbery, drug use, because he believes children do this to seek attention as no one is supervisory them or listening to them (Government).

3- The intended target audience for TEDx lecture would be Guardian newspaper readers who are adults/business workers around 24-45 years of age. As Plan B’s project was filmed in the UK the lecture would appeal to the British audience more as it would be set in the UK. Both genders would be interested in this lecture as it appeals to both genders talking about issues of young youths, which as adults would relate to and understand how kids do feel. The demographic social economic group would be targeted toward class B an audience who is in middle organisation, teachers, and creative and media people therefore would be interested in Plan B speech as he will be promoting a film and talking about society. 
The audience Plan B targeted for the music and film are young adults 18-34 years of age, the music/film relates to a this audience because the characters in both music/film would be the same age which makes the audience relate to the characters more (realism)It would relate to unemployed, young teenagers who have problems in families and establish council estate lives. I think the lecture and promotion of the film and music video attracts to a wider audience which makes Plan B’s project more recognisable and successful to get his point across to the target audience  and the opposite target audience. 

4- Plan B believes the media conveys the youth in only a negative way, and almost demonises them. He believes that by the media doing this and stereotyping them to be "CHAVS" they're going to be against being a part of society and decide to riot, as they've feel like they've been pushed out due to coming from a less fortunate family. According to Stanley Cohen, a moral panic occurs "When a person or group of persons emerges to become defined as a threat to societal values and interests" and people who threaten the social order have been described as"folk devils". Moral panics raise a strong theme of concern as there's some wrong behaviour going on that has a negative impact on society, connoting people that young youths are a negative group. The ‘moral panic’ is then caused for the law to change rules which effect the young youths and make them seem unwanted and isolated by their society causing them to riot and loot to attract attention

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